More than just therapy...
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07717 282 529

We are running a super skills afterschool group in Reigate for reception to year 2 helping children develop their writing, fine and gross motor skills

Super Skills Group

Motor planning, Fine & gross motor activities, Handwriting skills, Core stability, Shoulder strength, Ball skills, Confidence, Self-help skills, Hand-eye co-ordination

For Reception – Yr 2

1 hour – 6 weeks starting: 7th January 2025, 16:00pm – 16:45pm

At Lymden Hydrotherapy and Physiotherapy Clinic, 3 Eastnor Rd, Reigate, RH2 8NE


Call us:
01737 919 094



Why Children’s Neuro Physio
  • We are highly experienced, trained specialised neuropaediatric physiotherapists
  • We are experts – we only treat children
  • We are honest, reliable and flexible to meet the child & family’s needs
  • We always try to integrate therapeutic handling into day to day living and work with and alongside families, schools and the team
  • We have excellent interpersonal skills
  • We provide timely and realistic itemised quotations and recommendations
  • Our referrers keep instructing us

Children’s Neuro Physio provide packages of physiotherapy care and advice on the present and future needs of children with neurological dysfunction. We also have considerable expertise in complex needs as well as working with the ambulatory child.

We can set up packages of physiotherapy care and provide training for the support team and family, individual treatments & personalised physiotherapy programmes at the child’s home, nursery, school, college, hydrotherapy or swimming pool.

We work alongside other professionals to use joint working to reduce the time impact of therapies on the lives of the child & their families.

We provide physiotherapy and advice for children who have received interim and full payments under the direction of a case manager or solicitor. We have in depth knowledge of the costs and time involved in setting up packages of physiotherapy care, trialling and setting up equipment when required.

Our staff have worked in both the private sector and the NHS and are aware of the limitations sometimes imposed on NHS physiotherapists with regards to equipment and time, especially if a child is in mainstream school. We are therefore realistic in our recommendations and joint working with schools and the team at home.

Assessments and Reports for Statements of Special Educational Need

Providing expert evidence for the Tribunals Service

We offer assessments in school or at home for parents that are contesting Parts 2, 3 or 4 of their child’s statement of special educational need. When necessary we will visit the child’s current school, the school proposed by county council and the school of choice of the parents.

We can be involved before a child starts school, prior to transition from primary to junior and junior to senior school or further education and college. Sometimes it is only the amount of physiotherapy and equipment that is being contested and parents want their child to remain at their current school.

We also attend tribunals to provide expert evidence to the panel as instructed by parents, educational advocates, solicitors or schools. See links for services for educational advocates for further details of the assessment process.

Medico-Legal Neuropaediatric Physiotherapy Expert Witness Reports prepared for the courts

In addition to the clinical practice and training services offered by Children’s Neuro Physio, our director Dr Heather Epps PhD is an expert witness for the courts. Please see Epps Consultancy for further details.