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Concerned About Your Child?

Concerned About Your Child?

As a parent you know your baby or child best. If you have any concerns about their physical well-being or development and want to know if physiotherapy can help please contact us.

We would be failing in our duty of care to offer advice over the phone without having actually assessed your baby or child in person. However we will be able to tell you whether physiotherapy is likely to help or whether it would be more appropriate to see another professional such as an Occupational Therapist or to speak to your GP.

Sometimes we only need to see your baby or child once and give you advice, other times we may refer you to your GP or paediatrician, or they may need a course of physiotherapy.

  • When we look at a baby’s development it’s the “HOW” not necessarily the “WHEN” that interest us
  • Most of our motor development occurs in the first year of life
  • It’s not just about the obvious milestones
  • You can influence your baby’s development
  • We are highly experienced and skilled specialised neuropaediatric physiotherapists
  • We only treat children
  • We are honest, reliable and consistent
Common baby concerns include:‐
  • Face looks lopsided, baby holds their head to one side.
  • Their feet don’t look right.
  • Not rolling, won‘t lie on stomach, refuses “tummy time”.
  • Muscles feel very stiff & limbs difficult to move.
  • Their head loll’s, they don’t really move or kick legs.
  • Born early – preterm, premature, everyone talks about “corrected age”, you’re not sure if they are delayed or not.
  • Baby had a difficult delivery affecting their arm.
  • They feel excessively “floppy” or very “stiff” in their limbs.
  • Disinterested in their surroundings/toys & very quiet.
  • Only using one side of their body, or one side more than the other, only roll one way or are using their arms but not really their legs.
  • Difficulty holding their head up or collapse in their middle.
  • The gap between your babies development & that of babies the same age is widening significantly.
  • Persistently up on toes, stiff ankles and feet.
  • They have developmental delay or have missed stages.
  • They can be placed in positions, lying and sitting or stood at a table/sofa, but can’t move between or get into and out of those positions.
  • You were told that their brain was deprived of oxygen, they were born with low APGAR’s, there were concerns at birth and you want to know if their development is affected.
  • You are on a waiting list and don’t know whether this delay will affect your baby’s development and progress.
Please contact us today to see if we can help.
  • Our team are all highly experienced and skilled specialised neuropaediatric physiotherapists
  • We only treat children
  • We are honest, reliable and consistent
  • We have excellent interpersonal skills
  • We are trained in a range of different concepts such as SI, taping, postural management, aquatic therapy & many more
  • We have all worked with children and babies with different levels of severity, pre and post SDR, surgery, DBS, ITB pumps
  • We can integrate physiotherapy with specific educational approaches such as conductive education, profound curriculum, ASDAN and MOVE
Common children concerns include:
  • They won’t take weight through or onto one leg.
  • They feel excessively “floppy” or very “stiff” in their limbs.
  • They are only using one side of their body or their arms.
  • They get up from the floor walking their hands up their legs.
  • They can’t sit up without rolling onto their stomach.
  • They never rolled, creeped or crawled.
  • Not walking by 18 months. By 2 years you’ve lost 6 months of physiotherapy & they are further behind.
  • They have plateaued or their motor development is regressing.
  • They have developmental delay or have missed stages.
  • They walk differently to other children.
  • They appear clumsy & uncoordinated.
  • They have uncontrolled epilepsy, a disease, general illness or specific syndrome that will require physiotherapy, but you don’t know at what age this should happen.
  • They have pain or stiffness in their joints or muscles.
  • They seem to be losing mobility, tire more easily or their walking distance is reduced.
  • They are very stiff first thing in the morning but then seem to loosen up & get moving.
  • They seem to be getting weaker.
  • They can’t keep up with their peers.
  • They are very distressed, excessively so, by loud noises, busy environments, touch or being lowered back from siting to lying or to the floor, they need to be still or alternatively seem to need fast movement & are very hyperactive.
  • You are on a waiting list & don’t know whether this delay will affect your child’s development & progress.
  • Your child’s physiotherapy is being reduced or stopped.
  • You would like a second opinion.
  • Your child is about to start nursery or school & you have concerns or wonder if they might need a statement/extra support.

If you your concerns are not listed above, please contact us