Please see below for some examples of cases worked on by Childrens’ Neuro Physio. For more information on any of the cases below or to talk about a specific condition please contact us
APG fell constantly when we first met him. He had cuts and bruises to his knees and made no attempt to “save himself.” He had a lot of problems organising his body and processing, interpreting and modulating sensory information. He would not tolerate his hands being touched and did not keep still, colliding with anything in his way. He required a lycra suit for stability and his arm to be held when walking. 12 months later and he manages stairs, runs outside and no longer needs the lycra suit. He rarely falls and is starting to learn to jump. He starts school in September and is starting to use the i-pad to swipe and is participating in taking his shoes and socks off. He will now allow his hands to be touched and is really engaging in all of his therapies.
JP has complex needs, he can only manage half days at school, he has a breathing tube and suffers from chest infections and haemophilia, which complicates moving and handling. He has minimal volitional movement with significant problems with his joints, which are losing movement. Children’s Neuro Physio has set up intervention plans that include therapeutic 24/7 handling throughout JP’s day, we have trained his carers and set up guidelines on helping JP to maximise his physical potential, including positions that challenge his head control to aid his communication and so he can watch his favourite DVD!
AW has worked with Children’s Neuro Physio since he was in nursery. Initially he was only seen at home, but this meant missing school. Eventually the school agreed and his sessions are now incorporated into whatever lesson the other children are doing, which was particularly important after he had injections into his muscles. More recently we have been teaching the school staff how to reduce and influence his muscle tone and use more normal patterns of movement so that he can stretch out his arms to put his coat on for break, roll pastry and fly his kite from his wheelchair.
TB was travelling every week into London for physiotherapy treatment. He was missing school and his sessions were “stand alone” so that although mum saw improvement over time, she felt that the treatment could only be applied during his actual sessions. At Children’s Neuro Physio we have worked hard with TB and mum to look at how the principles behind our approach can be incorporated into his day to day living, learning and play. This has been so successful that we now only need to see TB once every 3 months. Together we set achievable targets that link to his gross and fine motor development, learning and independent skills. This works so well that TB can now manage obstacle courses, get up and down from the floor himself and walk up and down stairs safely without using the bannister. The next challenge is ball skills for school!
RM came to our clinic having travelled from Qatar for a second opinion. Mum and dad had been told that his brain scan was clear and that he was just “slow to develop.” We were honest and told his family we had concerns, but that we would help him maximise his physical potential and have always remained positive. At the time he couldn’t keep his head in the middle, he did not move his legs and was unable to sit up or move once placed lying on the floor. He returns to the UK every month for an intensive week long block of daily physiotherapy and occupational therapy and also for 2 week blocks during the school holidays. He makes amazing progress after each block of treatment and can now sit independently, move in and out of position, roll and stand with minimal assistance. He is just starting to learn to cruise. At Children’s Neuro Physio we realised the importance of him continuing to progress in between visits so we video our final sessions for the nursery staff and family to follow when they are back in Qatar.