More than just therapy...
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Educational Advocates

Educational Advocates

Why Children’s Neuro Physio
  • We are highly experienced, trained specialised neuropaediatric physiotherapists
  • We are experts – we only treat children
  • We are honest, reliable and flexible to meet the child & family’s needs
  • We always try to integrate therapeutic handling into day to day living and work with and alongside families, schools and the team
  • We have excellent interpersonal skills
  • We provide timely and realistic itemised quotations and recommendations
  • Our referrers keep instructing us

Children’s Neuro Physio provide assessments in school or at home for parents that are contesting Parts 2, 3 or 4 of their child’s statement of educational need.

We can be involved at any point of the process.

We attend tribunals to provide expert evidence to the panel

Assesment Process

If really urgent we can usually offer an initial assessment and first draft report within a month.

Ideally we assess at school or nursery including observation of the child.

We analyse their current physiotherapy programme.
We then determine:

  • How physiotherapy now and in the future (especially if your child has a condition that will deteriorate over time or is likely to become wheelchair dependent) will influence your child’s education and potential to learn.
  • Whether the school can provide the integrated physiotherapy & environment required for them to maximize their potential to learn throughout the whole school day.
  • Does the school environment allow them to remain safe and be as independent as possible whilst being fully included in all aspects of the curriculum with their peers.

We tour their current and any proposed schools, talk to the child’s parents or guardians, teacher, classroom assistant and physiotherapist.

If hydrotherapy or rebound (therapy on a trampoline) is indicated we look at how these meet the child’s learning needs & objectives & link them to their social, communication, motor & sensory learning, attention to task, independence, stamina, comfort and ability to learn.

Please contact us today to see if we can help.