More than just therapy...
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07717 282 529

Children’s Neuro Physio offers consulting and mentoring services. We also have a Consultancy Pack available for purchase which includes information and advice from our top consultants. Please see below or contact us for more information.

We organise and provide tailor-made training & workshops for:

Care teams: including training with specific clients, therapeutic handling, use of postural management equipment, respiratory care & positioning, training in the delivery of physiotherapy programmes & how to integrate them into daily tasks & when appropriate the school or home curriculum

Educational Staff: including workshops, half or full inset days. In addition we provide onsite teaching with specific pupils, identifying their equipment & physiotherapy needs to access their environment & the curriculum, & to enable fully integrated & all inclusive learning for pupils. Setting up equipment & the delivery & production of physiotherapy programmes with targets linked to the child’s IEP & in line with Part 3A and 3B of their statement of Special Educational Need – link to for professionals/schools.

Physiotherapists: including seminars, workshops, introduction to paediatric physiotherapy, the different approaches in paediatric neurology, aquatic physiotherapy, child development and SI approaches to treatment.

Solicitors and Case Managers: we offer conferences, seminars and training using both internal and external speakers.

Training for Children’s Neuro Physio Staff only

We have a supervision and mentoring system for all our staff. Reports are overseen by our director and discussed with the treating physiotherapist. New staff initially work under the direction of our director or the team leader and some joint sessions are undertaken at no additional cost to the family.


Date TBC  SDR Study Day

Date TBC MAES Training Day – Internal Staff Only

Date TBC Children & Families Act: Education, Health, Core Plans and SEN Reform- The Impact on Therapists.

Date TBC IT systems and strategic planning for company, NICE guidelines and implications for practice, problem solving sessions and video analysis of treatments.

Date TBC Drafting expert reports within SENDIST proceedings with Barrister D Hay

Date TBC Practical Treatment Session with Children (maximum of 6 children) with Senior Bobath Tutor facilitation

Date TBC Update on Kinaesthetic taping

Date TBC Advanced Aquatic Physiotherapy in neurological dysfunction